

to start


New design

We are changing the visuals of Prima Burgerfest for the better for some, for the worse. In any case we are more fun and modern. We welcome new faces to our team, as well as old and proven ones. The cow our Mirunka, whom you know well, will guide you all the time on our website and social media.

Competition for children

We are announcing a children’s competition for tickets to Prima Burgerfest: what will you name our robot and whether it will be a boy or a girl. The name should express everything about burgers, fun, well-being. Just such a hybrid 🙂

This Year

This year we remember how it all started. A generational festival awaits you, not only about food, but also good fun. Young people will be able to meet stars they know from TV and movies, and older people will remember what it was like when they were younger. Prima Burgerfest will be full of generational meetings.


The 13th annual Prima Burgerfest will heat things up in style. A lot of changes await you, and we believe that they will be for the better. We’re going back to the roots when Burgerfest started and it was a bit punk 🙂.

The smell of grilled meat will flood Holešovice, the music will make even the dancing anti-talents dance, the cooking show will fill your stomach and most importantly, you no longer have to ask “what about the children. Do they have somewhere to play”. The time when our little ones didn’t have enough space is over, so now it will be the right Prima Buergerfest.

In beef we trust!


U Dřeváka Beer&Grill
Želva beers & burgers
Ciao spritz
Šabatovo zmrzlinářství


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